Analyzing African Stock Markets: BRVM vs NSE

Kenya's NSE Vs BRVM

How do I get here? Stocks!! A recent claim that the Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM), West Africa’s stock exchange, outperformed NSE over the past decade sparked interest. So out of selfishness and the East African spirit, I set out on a journey to establish facts. This analysis compares African stock markets, focusing on […]

Pension Planning: Avoiding a Retirement Savings Shortfall


Oops too little for retirement Pension! After so many years of work it is heart-breaking if you discover that you cannot retire because you have less savings, or that you will certainly retire but on meagre income! A pension shortfall arises when retirement savings fall short of expectations or requirements, with significant consequences ensuing. It’s […]

Insurance is important for Small Business Owners: The Story of Mr. Kalibbala

a secure street

The Initial Reluctance Insurance, to many small business owners, may initially seem like an unwanted expense. However, for those who have experienced the misfortunes of business setbacks, the value of having both business and personal insurance becomes evident. One such individual is Mr. Kalibbala, the successful owner of a milling plant, whose journey serves as […]